
Hey you!

Welcome to my happy place.

Welcome to the Gold is a Neutral house!

Welcome to the Gold is a Neutral house!

Hello! So I thought I should do a little post introducing you to the actual Gold is a Neutral house and giving you a bit of background so we all know where we're at.

We live in a three storey late Victorian townhouse in South East London which someone recently described to me as "a bit like living in a lighthouse", which I think is pretty accurate.

Having always lived in East London, we decided to up sticks two years ago and followed the majority of our friends to settle in the Dirty Sarf. And we've never looked back. We've been in London over 15 years and this is the first place that really feels like home. If I'm completely honest, with every other house we've owned I've always had one eye on the door. Of course I decorated. I always decorate. But I was reluctant to really splash the cash because I think deep down I knew we wouldn't stay.

And this is why I have thrown myself headlong into renovating this place. And because I think we are staying put here for a while I've been a lot braver than ever before. Because I'm not worried about whether prospective buyers are going to like it. I don't care!

There's a lot to do and I'm not gonna lie there are certain rooms in the house (the kitchen) that I try to spend as little time in as possible because they are so dodgily decorated and it stresses me out. Ok, I might be being a tad dramatic, thats the former tabloid journo in me. But there's a bloody great big fish tank in the bathroom and more shiny black surfaces than I care to think about. I'm not the most practical of people but black gloss bathroom floors are hardly the best match for one snotty, dribbling baby and a boy whose favourite trick is to wait so long to go to the toilet that by the time he's there he's so desperate he sprays all over the floor. Yes that. Oh and there's nothing like black gloss to remind you of your need to do the dusting! 

However, the transformation is under way. Here's a few sneak peeks at what we've done so far. The living room...ideally I'd like new floors but I can wait for those...

The nursery...


 Raf's room...


And our bedroom...

Although most of these projects are still ongoing, I will share details of these makeovers (along with before and afters) in the coming weeks. The next job up is a budget kitchen makeover, then probably the spare bedroom and en suite bathroom. The big (aka cripplingly expensive) jobs such as the kitchen extension and family bathroom, which will totally transform the house, will have to wait for the time being.

But it's ok because I'm not going anywhere and have plenty to be getting on with for now. And I'm looking forward to sharing it all with you and hopefully hearing your thoughts and ideas too! 

Jess x

I'm thinking pink...and this is why [Budget kitchen makeover update]

I'm thinking pink...and this is why [Budget kitchen makeover update]

Pink gloss = girl boss. How Donna Ida Thornton turned a former curry house into a bright and beautiful home

Pink gloss = girl boss. How Donna Ida Thornton turned a former curry house into a bright and beautiful home